Label Design, Packaging, Naming

The continuous presence of vines in the Amyntaio area for 3,500 years shows that the high altitude and the four lakes of the area create a unique environment for excellent wines. DODEKATOS white wine is produced as Blanc de Noir from the red Greek variety Xinomavro by the winemaker and chemical engineer Ioannis Hatzis. We design and name his wines accordingly, to reflect his experimental spirit and his exceptional approach to the vinification of native varietals.
Since the ancient times, the number twelve have been attributed with a mystical and symbolic meaning. Twelve are the months of the year, the hours of day and night, twelve the gods of Greek mythology, and the twelfth was Dionysus, the creator of wine and protector of the vine.
An interesting coincidence at this white Blank de Noir are the twelve degrees of alcohol (12% Vol.), a design detail that appears on the label with the upward circle and is part of the logo. The number twelve is written in Latin (XII), where the two “I” letters are replaced by two exclamation marks.
The label design is minimal and focuses on typographic design. Black is the only color on the white label, and is polished with varnish that gives volume to the elements. Printed on the special soft matte paper the details on gold foil illuminate and create an overall impression of elegance.